CAS number : 12003-67-7
Molecular weight :65.92g/mol
Molecular formula/chemical symbol :LiAlO2
Description :
Lithium Aluminate is an aluminate of Lithium LiAlO2.
Lithium aluminate is a layered double hydroxide (LDH) with a crystal structure resembling that of hydrotalcite.
Lithium aluminate solubility at high pH (12.5 – 13.5) is much lower than that of aluminium oxides. In the conditioning of low- and intermediate level radioactive waste (LILW)
In microelectronics, Lithium aluminate is used as the substitute of Gallium Nitride.
In nuclear technology, Lithium Aluminate is as a solid tritium breeder material.
Lithium aluminate also used in fuel cell electrolyte support material.
sometimes used as additive to cement to minimise aluminium corrosion at high pH and subsequent hydrogen production
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