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Vanadium trisulfate

CAS number : 13701-70-7

Molecular weight :390.07

Molecular formula/chemical symbol :V2(SO4)3

Description :

And three other than price vanadium compound, it is stable, in the air for light yellow solid and stable exist, in the water slowly dissolve and produce green hydration complex ion [V (H2O) 6] 3 +. Vanadium sulphate is a kind of reductant, V2O5, sulfuric acid and elemental sulfur reaction can be used in the preparation of vanadium sulphate: V2O5 + S + 3 H2SO4, V2 (SO4) 3 + SO2 + 3 H2O this reaction is elemental sulfur a rare example of the reaction. In vacuum heating to slightly less than 410 ° C, sulfuric acid decomposition of vanadium will generate vanadyl sulfate (VOSO4) and SO2. Vanadium sulfate in the dry air stability, but exposed to damp air a few weeks into green hydrate.


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